How old is Ashlynn & Ashton?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The boi is walking 18 June '11

Ashton took his first few steps on 29 May at Ah Ma's house. When he realised that he could walk unassisted, he was excited and did the stunt non-stop.

Today, I will declare his a full-fledge walker as he walks most of the time instead of crawl. But of course he still ends up on his bum quite frequently.

He started walking 1-2 weeks earlier than Ashlynn. We least expected that as all the while heshowed slower development in his psycho-motor skills. In fact, he only started cruising at 10-11 months plus. So I thought it will take a while before he walks but ta-da!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Noodles 17 May '11

Cooked noodles for the 2 kids on Vesak Day for lunch.

Baby spaghetti for Ashton
Ban mian for Ashlynn

Plus making of purees and cooking soup stock made me spent the entire morning in the kitchen.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

May - The Month of Celebrations

Our little boy turns One on 12 May 2011. We had a cosy celebration with Mickey and friends as the theme at Fish n Co at Suntec City with a few close friends and our parents.

Thank you everyone for your generous gifts and ang bao.

The menu designed by daddy
Simple decor with Mickey balloons and customised banner

Daddy and son

The birthday cake

Cake cutting

Daddy surprised the 3 ladies with a Mothers' Day cake

The goodie bags for the children

Back at home


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Updates on the 2 Ashes 17 Apr '11

It has been another 1 long month since I last blogged. I guess without a helper, everyday is like a rush. I barely have time to stop and do something else besides my work, kids, and housework. When I do manage to squeeze out some time, I sneak off for my long overdue facial, coffee and egg fix at Ya Kun or 1 hour power shopping to satisfy my shopping addiction. Time to blog on their updates before I forget. Big Ash: She is 3 years and 2 months now. Talks very well. Her vocab can be quite impressive but sometimes she does find it difficult to express herslf when she tends to stumble on her words. She loves to role play as a teacher. There was once she sat at the playmat, drew out a circular block and told me "see, a circle has no corners. A rectangle has one, two, three, four corners". Loves to ask "wh?" questions. For example: A: Where are we going? M: We are going to takashimaya. A: Why we go takashimaya? M: Because we want to eat dinner. A: Why we want to eat dinner? M: Because we are hungry. A: Why we are hungry? M: erm, I don't know. A: Why you always don't know? or Why you don't know again? To end the conversation, I will quickly find something to distract her. Otherwise her whys will continue forever. We are still feeding her baby cereal for breakfast. Argghhhh... She is not very open to try new foods. Only on rare occasions she will take bread. Feeding her lunch and dinner is still quite a chore as she takes quite a while to finish (if she even finishes) her food. She has superb memory. 5 months back, we bought a new car. Until now, she will ask about the new car. In my conversations with daddy, she always picks up information and remembers them. I ask her if she wanted to learn ballet, she replied to say no as Rheanne is the one learning ballet. I was quite surprised how she can provide this information as I have never told her explicitly before that Rheanne is learning ballet. Let me move on to our second darling now. Small A: He is approaching his big 1 in a month's time. Somehow, he feels more babylish to me than Ashlynn. We thought he is intellectually faster than Ashlynn but definitely slower in terms of paschomotor skills. He can pull himself to stand, but not standing up without assistance yet. So I doubt he will start walking on his birthday. He can stand unsupported for a while, like a good 5 seconds. Cruises around quite well. sometimes he moves from one furniture to another without support. He loves to open our drawers like any other babies. He is wary that his finger will get clamped so he closes the drawers slowly and pulls out his fingers. He understands and acts out some words like shake your body, flying kiss (random), dancing, clap your hands, gong xi, twinkle twinkle little star. bye bye, hello. He articulated some words like nai nai, teh teh (cheh cheh), papa, mama, bear bear, mum mum. Loves to laugh, make funny faces and is such a cheeky boy. He wants attention more compared to when he was younger. He used to be a breeze to look after, but now can be quite naughty. But I feel that he gets contented more easily. That's all I can remember at 6am for now. I shall try to be more regular in my updates to capture their growing up stages. Back to my school work. Mummy

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Big Big Circle 19 Feb '11

This post is out-dated by 1 month.

We had the discount voucher from the Macs monopoly promotion. So we decided to bring the kids to the Singapore Flyer. As we pass by ECP very often, Ashlynn always refer the Singapore Flyer to big big circle. After the outing there, she now refers it to Singapore Flyer.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ashton's Updates 06 Mar '11

He is 9.875kg. Wonder why it takes him so long to hit 10kg? It has been at 9+ kg for months.

He can go from crawling to sitting to standing and vice versa. He can cruise around his cot and playpen and also our coffee table.

He can wave bye bye, clap hands, dance and jump, look for specific things upon request.

Somehow, he doesn't smile as much as before.

Very whiney and always seeks attention.

Eats 3 solids meals + 3 milk feeds of 200ml per day.

Can't wait for him to start walking but that will come with new set of problems.


What I Spent my Sat On - 05 Mar '11

Almost 2 hours were spent in the kitchen making apple, corn, pea + carrot and cauliflower + carrot cheese sauce. Plus washing up of course.

I knew that salt is not permitted for our young ones, but I can't seem to find unsalted cheese.